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You can now listen to Soundsamples of some of our CDs. We will gradually provide Soundfiles for most of our CDs Though it will require some time.
As all our Soundfiles are offered only in Real Audio format you will need a Real Player in order to listen to our Soundsamples. You can download the software for free from the Real Networks website. As Real Audio, together with MP3, is the current de facto standard for Internet Audio transmission the programme will also be useful in the future.
If you are suffering from acute technophobia do not worry: the installation of the Real Player should be fairly easy. Just doubble click on the file you downloaded and the programme will install itself. Once installed you can start listening to our Soundbits.
Go to the relevant CD site. If you find a image below the CD cover and title click on it. A tracklist should appear and the Soundsamples will be indicated by this image. Click on the image or the songtitle and the Real Player should start automatically. It may, however, take some time.
If no or image can be found no soundfiles are available for that CD yet. Sorry!

last updated: 06.04.2000 | top